This snail has a yellow/brown color and the house spirals towards the tip. The house grows to about 2cm long, with the snail removed from the house they can reach a length of 3cm. The female specimens grow slightly larger and heavier than the males.
Anentome helena snails come from South-East Asia where they are found in Tahiland, Indonesia and Malaysia, among others. This species lives in fresh water of pools and lakes with a muddy or sandy bottom.
These snails feed on other snails, so you can stop explosive growth of normal snails. When there are no other snails in the aquarium, the Anentome helena falls back on eating carrion and vegetable waste. Another big advantage is that the snail leaves living plants alone.
In addition to snails, they also eat planaria, these are worm-like animals that can sometimes form a real pest in the bottom of the aquarium. Because planaria are on the diet, you prevent an outbreak with these animals and you can rid an infected aquarium of these worms in an animal-friendly manner.
The snail-eating snail is a small animal and does not require a large aquarium. A container of about 30 liters is sufficient, but larger is always possible. The temperature of the water may be between 20 and 27 degrees and the PH may be between 6.0 and 8.0. The hardness of the water may vary from GH8 to GH15.
The anentome helena can only reproduce if there are sufficient living snails available. They are unisexual animals so you need both female and male specimens. They only lay 1 egg, as soon as this egg hatches the new snail disappears into the soil for a number of months until it is big enough to hunt on its own.