With the beautiful bright green color and length of up to about 60 cm, this species is very suitable for almost all aquariums, optimal growth is between 10 and 27 degrees Celsius.
Important: The Vallisneria can experience stress due to transport (from the supplier to us and from us to you). A consequence of stress in this aquarium plant is that it draws the nutrients from the leaves to the root and causes the leaves to die. This is 100% normal. As long as the root is healthy and properly planted in the aquarium, it will come back with new leaves on its own.
Originating from: Asia
Place in aquarium:background
Maximum height: 60 cm
Suitable for: fish tank
Light requirement: a lot
Recommended temperature: 10 - 27 degrees Celsius
Species: beginner plant. Very suitable for a new aquarium to start up.