The large leaves of this Cryptocoryne species have an interesting olive green color that contrasts nicely with other plants.
Once rooted, the thick, bushy plant forms adventitious plantlets.
It performs best as a solitary plant in the foreground or with other Cryptocoryne species. A nutrient-rich and warmed soil will stimulate growth.
Place in the aquarium: middle and back zone
Max height of the plant: 20 cm
Temperature: 20-28ºC
pH: 5.5 - 8.0
KH: 1 - 18
Light: normal
Origin: Sri Lanka, Asia
Propagation by dividing the plant or via offshoots.
The Cryptocoryne species occur naturally in the tropical lowland forests of India, New Guinea and Southeast Asia. In general, the Cryptocoryne is in streams and rivers with a slow water flow. In the rainy season, the Cryptocoryne can also be found on the banks of the river and in overflowing waterholes.
The name 'Cryptocoryne' comes from the Greek word 'crypto' which means 'hidden'. And 'coryne' refers to the inflorescence of this plant, namely a spadix with a fleshy spike, also called 'spadix'.
The Cryptocoryne can reproduce both above and below water. Under water this happens vegetatively (asexual reproduction). Above water, this can be done through sexual reproduction (sexual reproduction) during the flowering period.
Because the Cryptocoryne can grow both above and under water, this plant is not only suitable for the aquarium, but can also be placed in a paludarium.
Some Cryptocoryne species are threatened by the disappearance of their natural habitat, while other species have been invading since their introduction to America.
The Cryptocoryne is known to melt away, this mainly occurs with drastic changes in water values. If you are planting this plant in your aquarium for the first time, don't be alarmed when it loses its leaves. This generally grows back within a month. If you are going to do a water change to stabilize your water values again, do this gradually. This is to prevent the water values and/or water temperature from changing too quickly and drastically.
The wishes in terms of acidity, hardness and even the salt content in the aquarium water can differ per Cryptocoryne. This is because they come from different areas around the world. Therefore, read carefully whether a species is suitable for your aquarium.